Age Verification and Compliance:
By applying for an account with, you affirm that all models featured in your content were at least 18 years old at the time of original production. This is in compliance with age verification laws and regulations.
2257 Compliance and Copyright Ownership:
You confirm that you possess all necessary rights to the content you intend to distribute through Upon request, you agree to provide comprehensive 2257 records, including model/performer releases, licensing agreements (where applicable), and valid identification proving the age and consent of all individuals featured.
Content Rules
Upon account approval, you will receive a detailed list of prohibited activities and restricted language applicable to content and website text. This includes, but is not limited to, usage in videos, trailers, keywords, categories, titles, and descriptions. Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory for all content uploaded and distributed through your website on the platform. Failure to comply may result in account suspension or termination.
Legal Acknowledgment:
Submitting an application for an account implies that you agree to our Terms of Service, and stated Content Rules for uploading to our website.
Financial Terms
Revenue Distribution:
We offer a 75/25 revenue split. You will receive 75% of the net revenues, calculated after subtracting a 10% fee for credit card processing.
International Wire Transfer Fee:
Please be aware that international wire transfers through are subject to a $25 fee per transaction. If the transaction involves currency conversion from USD, additional variable fees may apply, as determined by the banking institution.